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Villa Duchesne and Oak Hill School


At the Heart of Villa
JK3 Girl with a large white bow in her hair concentrates on coloring
At Villa We Are Strong in Faith
Middle School candlebearers in white albs prepare to enter the Chapel for Mass.
At Villa Hearts are Inspired
JK4 Girls share a book.
At Villa Minds are Stretched
High School girl in maroon cardigan takes notes in class.
At Villa Imaginations Grow
Audrey JK3 works at play tool station.
At Villa We Find Purpose
High School girls carrying bright red backpack enters West Door.
At Villa We Embrace Challenge
Second grade boy works at his desk.
At Villa Bonds are Forged
High School girls enjoy a walk along the Front Lawn.
At Villa Leaders are Born
High Schoolers stand at the tower railing and look out over the front lawn.
At Villa Joy Abounds
Nearly a dozen lower school students stack together on plastic playground slide


We believe that a transformational education is made even stronger when a student truly knows and embraces their God given gifts.

Whether boys and girls in our Lower School or young women in our Upper School, Villa Duchesne students learn in a community where academics and spiritual development are inextricably linked. As a result, their minds are stretched and their hearts are inspired, deepening the relevance and resonance of every lesson.

Because when we educate the whole student in this way, they develop both the academic and self-knowledge to change the world.

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School Calendar

all day
Acorn Club closes at 4 pm

Voices of Villa

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